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January 2021

UPDATED - New National Lockdown to begin 5 January 2021

Updated following the government's announcement on 4 January 2021

Tuesday 5th January 2021 to Friday 8th January 2021

The only onsite provision will be for vulnerable pupils (including those that attend the Alternative Curriculum Group) and the pupils of critical workers.

Those sitting public examinations will attend for those examinations.

  • Pupils effected by this will be contacted on Monday 4th January with further details.

All other pupils will work from home.

  • Lessons will follow their usual timetable and will be conducted over Teams. Details of how to access this can be found in our Home Learning Hub.
  • We will provide FSM vouchers to those that are eligible.
Details of provision for vulnerable pupils: 5/1/21 - 8/1/21 
  • Any children classified as vulnerable will be contacted individually (no later than Monday 4th January) to let them know they should attend.
  • They should arrive at school, via Gate A (the entrance for Year 8, 9 and 11) and go to the courtyard.
  • They should arrive between 8.30am and 8.45am for registration, followed by a prompt start to their P1 lessons.
  • They will not need to wear school uniform for this week. 
  • They will be kept in separate year-group bubbles, throughout the day.
  • They will be provided with a PC or laptop to access the same online lessons as their peers.
  • They should bring a pair of headphones to be able to access these lessons.
  • Pupils will be provided with a lunch.
Details of provision for children of critical workers: 5/1/21 - 8/1/21 
  • Children of critical workers will be welcome to attend.
  • To help us plan for numbers, we request that parents/carers of these children complete the Critical Worker Registration Form. (A reminder of who is considered a critical worker can be found here.)
  • The registration form needs to be completed no later than noon on Monday 4th January 2021.
  • They should arrive at school, via Gate A (the entrance for Year 8, 9 and 11) and go to the courtyard.
  • They should arrive between 8.30am and 8.45am for registration, followed by a prompt start to their P1 lessons.
  • They will not need to wear school uniform for this week. 
  • They will be kept in separate year-group bubbles, throughout the day.
  • They will be provided with a PC or laptop to access the same online lessons as their peers.
  • They should bring a pair of headphones to be able to access these lessons.
  • Pupils eligible for FSM will be provided with a lunch, others should bring their own packed lunch.
Details of provision for pupils in the Alternative Curriculum Group: 5/1/21 onwards 
  • All pupils who usually attend the Alternative Curriculum Group should attend as normal for face-to-face lessons.
  • They will follow their normal routines and timings.
  • They will not need to wear school uniform for this week. 
Monday 11th January onwards

On site provision will continue to run for vulnerable pupils (including those in teh Alternative Curriuclum Group) and the children of critical workers

We belive that those sitting public examinations will continue to attend for those examinations.

  • Pupils effected by this will be contacted by Friday 8th January with further details.

All other pupils will continue to work from home.

  • Details for the timing of the s
Details of provision for vulnerable pupils: 11/1/21 onwards 
  • Any children classified as vulnerable should continue to attend.
  • They should arrive at school, via their normal entrance and go to the outside zone allocated to their year group.
  • They should arrive between 8.30am and 8.45am for registration, followed by a prompt start to their P1 lessons.
  • They will be kept in separate year-group bubbles, throughout the day.
  • They will be provided with a PC or laptop to access the same online lessons as their peers.
  • They should bring a pair of headphones to be able to access these lessons.
  • Lunch will be available as usual.
Details of provision for children of critical workers: 11/1/21 onwards 
  • Details of how critical workers can register their children for this provision will be communicated by Friday 8th January.
Intended change to new operating procedures for the Spring Term

As you know, we had intended to move to new operating procedures for the Spring Term.

In light of the increased rate of transmission due to the new variant of Covid-19 and Nottingham's placement into Tier 4, these plans will be postponed until further notice and we will continue to follow our Autumn Term Operating Procedures.