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Year 11 Information Evening

Thursday 7th October, 5pm to 6.30pm

Dear Year 11 pupils and your parents and carers,

You are invited to attend our Year 11 Information Evening

Thursday 7th October,

5pm for 5.30pm start until approximately 6.30pm

We would like to invite you to an Information evening specially for our Year 11 pupils and their parents and carers. 

The evening will be on Thursday 7th October. 

Cakes and pastries, tea, coffee, and refreshments will be served free of charge from 5pm with presentations starting at 5.30pm. We expect the evening to finish by about 6.30pm. 

On the evening we will provide revision advice, explain how pupils can use the resources we have provided to revise effectively and how their parents and carers can support them with this.

We will also explain how we are preparing and supporting our pupils at school for their examinations and how their final grades will be awarded.

In addition, there will be an opportunity to meet and talk to some of our NGA Sixth Form pupils and hear from Ms Short (Head of Sixth Form) about the unique education and support and exciting opportunities that await those who decide to join NGA Sixth Form. 

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

Best wishes,

David Tungate


Nottingham Girls’ Academy