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Warm Weather Plan

With temperatures expected to soar on Monday and Tuesday, please find details of what we are doing to make the academy as safe and as comfortable as possible for pupils and staff...

Updated Monday 18 July 2022

Early Closing

We will be allowing pupils to leave ar 1.20pm on Tuesday 19th July 2022 to give them chance to avoid travelling when temperatures hit their expected peak from about 2pm onwards.

However, any parents or carers that wish for their child to remain in school until 3.15pm should complete this short form to let us know. Pupils that remain on site will be supervised in an air-conditioned room until 3.15pm, when they will need to make their own way home as usual.

Building Heat Management 
  • The building will be ventilated and shaded as far as is possible during the weekend to avoid as much heat build up as possible.
  • Site staff will then open all remaining appropriate doors and windows from as early as possible on Monday and Tuesday morning.
  • All available fans will be distributed to rooms without A/C. There may not be a fan per room. However, guidance from the DfE reminds us that the use of fans in very hot weather can make dehydration more likely rather than less.
  • All lessons upstairs in the ROSLA building will be relocated.
Pupil Heat Management 
  • Lessons that are usually held outdoors will be relocated indoors (PE).
  • Active lessons will be adjusted to be non-active (PE) or moved to air-conditioned rooms (dance).
  • Pupils are encouraged to make full use of the new summer uniform - especially by wearing polo shirts so that they feel more comfortable removing jumpers.
  • Pupils should wear hats and suncream (minimum factor 15) when outside.
  • Pupils must bring a refillable water bottle with them each day.
  • Pupils will be encouraged to drink regularly. They should refill their bottles at break and lunch time.
  • Pupils are reminded that water fights are not acceptable and will result in pupils being isolated at social times all week and possibly suspended.
  • All staff have been provided information about the possible signs of heat illnesses including heat stress, heat exhaustion and heatstroke and guidance on how to treat these issues.
  • Staff will be mindful of the fact that the heat will make it harder for pupils to concentrate and that the pace of lessons will be slower.
Break and Lunch Plans
  • All of our outside benches will be moved into shade including some into the gym.
  • The Active yard and MUGA will be closed as they offer little or no shade. Year 7 pupils should, therefore use the other shaded spaces available (see below).
  • Shaded spaces with seating will be available to all pupils in the following locations:

Beneath the courtyard canopies.

Dining room


Hall (a/c/ on, film (TBD) showing)

A44 (a/c on, year 7)

A47 (a/c on, year 8)

A53 (a/c on, year 9)

A55 (a/c on, year 10)