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Health and Wellbeing


The following video may be helpful when considering vaccinations against Covid-19:

National Support

Local Support

This is a stressful time for everyone and pupils, parents and carers will all have their own anxieties and frustrations.

Where your anxieties or frustrations are with the school, please check that we haven't answered you query in one of the other pages within this Covid-19 information hub.

If that doesn't help, please contact us at and let us know how we can help. We are trying to do our best in challenging circumstances but we won't always get it right and we would appreciate the chance to explain ourselves better or try to rectify your problem.

Inevitably, there are also going to be things that are outside of our ability or remit to help you with. Below are some ideas and resources that might help with physical or mental well being.

Managing behaviour and emotions

There are links to two booklets below that have been written by the Nottingham City Council Behaviour Support Team.

The first is a booklet for pupils on how they can try to manage their own emotions.

The second is a booklet for parents and carers with advice on how to manage challenging behaviours at home.

Mental well-being

If your children need support for their mental health, there are a number of providers that can offer help:

  • Kooth which you can register to use. There are some articles on there that have been written by young people.
  • Childline (0800 11 11)
  • Young Minds
Children's Mental Health Support Posters:

And adults may find the following useful:

  • Mind
  • Headspace You can also find them on YouTube for free and there are a lot of short, and longer, meditation videos which are really useful to help you feel calm and more in control.

Calm Connections

FREE parents/caregivers virtual mindfulness sessions every Thursday 7.45pm to 8.30pm! Please see contact information below to find out more and to book a place. 


Barnardo’s ‘See Hear Respond’ service 

See Hear Respond is a service that has been created in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. 

The programme has been created to help children and young people in England who are experiencing harm and increased adversity during this period by providing support to those who are not being seen by social care or other key agencies. 

  • online digital support, including advice and information, online counselling and a telephone helpline 
  • face to face interventions, such as support for groups at risk outside the home and one to one support 
  • reintegration into education, including assessments and the delivery of support pathways back to education 

See Hear Respond accept referrals from any source either through the Freephone number 0800 151 7015 and via the  online referral hub

Physical well-being

It is important that we all stick to the rules about social distancing and that we don't arrange to meet up with our friends at this time.

But it is also important to try and get outside each day if you can. You are allowed to do this with other people from your household.

If you are taking one short walk or excercsing each day, make sure that you follow government guidelines by keeping two metres away from others.

Alternatively, you can find physical workouts on the web:

  • Joe Wicks: If you haven’t tuned in already, Joe Wicks is doing a daily live HIIT workout on YouTube every day. It is basically 30 minutes of free personal training!
Social well-being

Keeping in touch with your family and friends is also really important and there are several ways of doing this, but please remember to keep yourself safe over social media and online.

Popular apps for doing this at the moment are: FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom and Houseparty.

Other health worries