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Curriculum Intent: Academy


We want the young women who leave our academy to have choice. To feel they can challenge stereotypes and break from tradition. To be socially mobile. To be well rounded, self-confident and proud of who they are. To think both locally and globally.

The Nottingham Girls’ Academy Curriculum therefore aims to provide pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge, qualities and skills that they need to be educated citizens. It aims to introduce them to some of the best that has been thought and said, help them develop their skill and confidence, promote creativity and encourage them to apply their learning independently.

Our curriculum is guided by our Mission and underpins our Values:


We believe in creating a community empowered with the qualities, skills and qualifications to enter the next phase of life with confidence and ambition.


We strive to fulfil everyone’s learning potential.

We value high standards, hard work and a ceaseless desire to improve.

We provide a safe, kind, nurturing and inclusive environment.

We enjoy the journey together.


Our curriculum enables access for all by meeting the requirements of the Equality Act (2010) and SEND regulations.

You can read our Equality Statement here.

You can read our SEND Information Report here.

Please explore this section of the website to see more detail on what we want the Nottingham Girls' Academy curriculum to deliver and why.

If you would like further information regarding the curriculum, please email: and title your email Curriculum.

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