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We recognise that qualifications often act as the currency pupils require when they move on to the next phase of life; supporting access to FE, HE, apprenticeships and employment. Many of our students will be the first in their families to attend university or attempt A Levels.

The qualifications we work towards are informed by the aspirations of the pupils we have and the growth sectors of the local economy. We continuously develop our curriculum to provide opportunities in areas that may not be traditionally associated with girls: science, construction, computing, business and architecture – working with local employers wherever possible.

Embarking on these qualifications and experiences requires a broad and balanced base of learning formed at Key Stage 3; our three year programme is therefore a blend of academic, practical and creative subjects with pathways for pupils to develop their interest and expertise at Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 whilst also introducing the opportunity to learn in specialised areas such as Media, Business, Health and Social Care and Sociology.

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