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Managing Negative Behaviour

If a pupil fails to comply with the code of conduct or meet expectations in or out of the classroom, a range of strategies and sanctions are available to staff with which to reinforce those expectations. The list of these below is not intended as a hierarchy to be followed in order, nor is it an exhaustive list. Every situation and pupil are different and some strategies on the list may not be appropriate to the situation or pupil; teachers will use their professional judgement and be flexible when responding to negative behaviours and attitudes and reinforce expectations to re-engage pupils in learning.

  • Where possible, staff will use techniques to intervene early when they see the signs of negative behaviour and de-escalate. This may take the form of:
  • A quiet word or private discussion with the pupil to highlight the issue and agree what needs to happen for things to improve.
  • Various de-escalation strategies: praise the positives; deliberate ignoring; distraction; body language; non-verbal cues; humour; change of teaching style; relocation; position; intervention.
Loss of BUILD points

Pupils will lose BUILD points when they fail to comply with the code of conduct or meet expectations. The removal of BUILD points allows us to fairly identify those pupils who regularly behave well and meet our expectations so that they can be rewarded as described above. In most cases, the removal of BUILD points is accompanied by an additional sanction to reinforce the standards required. 

Communicating our expectations

To help pupils remember the standards expected of them, the NGA Way: Behaviour and Attitudes poster is displayed in every room. It reminds pupils that they must:

  • Respond positively, politely, and compliantly with all staff whenever they are asked to do something.
  • Use good manners at all times.
  • Adopt a positive attitude to learning; engaging in lessons, seeking support and help when needed, and challenging themselves to do the best they can.
  • Attend school and all lessons every day and on time.
  • Avoid conflict by not confronting others and seeking support from an adult to help resolve disputes and problems.
  • Wear the school uniform and bring the correct equipment every day.


Understanding negative classroom behaviour

In the table below, the left-hand column gives an example of what we would expect to see in a lesson from pupils following the NGA Way. The right-hand column provides some examples of negative behaviour that a pupil may present in relation to that expectation, resulting in warnings or further sanctions.
Once a teacher has used their de-escalation strategies, if the negative behaviour still hasn’t been modified, then the next step is a D1 (Disruption) warning point.

A graduated response to negative behaviour in lessons

Relationships, Recognition and Routines are our 3 R’s.
We recognise the importance of developing positive staff-pupil relationships and an atmosphere in which children feel supported, nurtured, and safe. Staff use praise and BUILD points to recognise positive behaviour and employ consistent routines, so pupils feel confident in knowing what is expected of them - and what will happen if they fail to meet those expectations.

When pupils fail to meet expectations or follow the code of conduct, it is important that pupils are reminded of the boundaries in place with an appropriate sanction and then given the opportunity to demonstrate they have learnt from their mistake. When negative behaviour is not modified either immediately or over time then increased sanctions will be used to help reinforce expectations or break the bad habits that are being displayed.

The diagrams below provide examples of how our graduated response works:

Misconduct points

In addition to disruptive behaviour in lessons, misconduct points (M1’s) will be awarded to pupils found in breach of the following rules. (M1’s have a -1 impact on a pupil’s overall BUILD points) Misconduct:

  • Mobile phone being seen or heard for any reason.
  • Incorrect uniform.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Possession of fizzy drinks or energy drinks.
  • Eating in classrooms or corridors (and drinking in some classrooms such as science labs or computer rooms).
  • Lack of equipment.
  • Use of foul language.
  • Any other breach of the school code of conduct.

Pastoral staff will check negative points regularly and further support and sanctions will be put in place when the tally of negative points hit certain values. This could result in parent meetings, isolation, respite at another site and other graduated sanctions.

Mobile phones and electronic devices

Pupils must not bring mobile phones or other electronic devices into school. However, we accept that many parents/cares wish their child to have a mobile phone with them for the journey to or from school. 

Therefore, on entering the Academy, any mobile phones should be switched off and placed safely in their bag.

An ‘out of sight, out of mind’ principle needs to be followed. Pupils must only take their mobile phones out of their bags at the end of the day once they exit through the courtyard gates (and must still not take photographs or videos on or near the site).

If a mobile phone is seen or heard for any reason during the school day, then it will be confiscated. The member of staff confiscating the phone will hand it into reception and inform the pupil that they can collect if at the end of the day. Each confiscation will be logged by the member of staff removing it, this will be recorded as a misconduct point. The misconduct behaviour points process will be put in place and further sanctions will apply for repeated offences.

A pupil who refuses to hand their mobile phone over to a member of staff may be given a fixed term suspension and, in future weeks, will be asked to hand their mobile to their pastoral team at the beginning of the day for a notified period.

If there is an emergency and a pupil feels that they need to contact their parent/carer, they must speak to their pastoral team, who may give permission to use the mobile phone in a private area.

These rules do not apply to sixth form students. However, they are permitted to use their mobiles in the post 16 area. If found using their phones anywhere else, they will be reminded of the expectation and the Head of Sixth Form will be informed.

Removal from lessons (D3’s or Red Line behaviour)

Pupils will only be removed from lesson as a last resort when they have failed to respond to warnings about disruptive behaviour or have displayed a ‘red line’ behaviour.

If a pupil has a graduated behaviour sanction of a D3, the pupil will be removed from the lesson by on call and they will be placed with the Head of Faculty. Each department has an exit timetable, so staff know where the pupil is best placed.

If a pupil has an immediate isolation from a red line behaviour, a member of SLT will investigate the situation and apply an appropriate sanction. The aim will be to have pupils back in lessons as soon as is sensible and practicable, whilst underlining our high expectations and standards with appropriate sanctions when necessary.

If a pupil is repeatedly removed from lessons for these reasons, then the teacher should seek support from their Head of Faculty, who may involve pupil support teams as appropriate. Contact home should be made to involve parents in supporting behaviour management at the earliest opportunity.

Graduated response to addressing regular misconduct or disruptive behaviour

Different staff have different roles to play regarding the correction of disruptive behaviour and misconduct. Most incidents will be minor issues that can be dealt with by the classroom teacher or by the tutor as part of the pastoral team. For persistent issues, additional advice, guidance, and intervention will be provided according to the diagram below:

Alongside the escalation of advice, guidance, and intervention the following additional measures may be employed:

Faculty report

Where a pupil regularly disrupts learning in a particular subject, the classroom teacher, in consultation with the HoF, may place the pupil on Faculty Report.

The purpose of this report is to provide the pupil with the opportunity to improve their behaviour and attitude to learning by setting individual targets and strategies.

Faculty Reports will be issued over a fixed period of no more than two weeks. The subject teacher must inform the parent (by a note in the planner or phone call home) and record that a Faculty Report has been issued in Class Charts. The Faculty Report will be recorded live through Class Charts therefore, immediate feedback can be given and reviewed.

Faculty exclusion

A Head of Faculty may make the decision to exclude a pupil from their next lesson in that subject. This might be used to allow a teacher a chance to establish routines and expectations with the rest of the group before reintroducing the excluded pupil.

If a pupil is to be excluded from a lesson, the teacher or Head of Faculty must see the pupil in advance of the lesson and inform them of this and inform them where they need to go instead for that lesson. The pupil will be provided work from the lesson they are being excluded from. It is not appropriate for a pupil to be informed of lesson exclusion upon arrival at the lesson. The teacher or Head of Faculty will also contact parents or carers to inform them and discuss the behaviour.

This sanction may be preceded or followed by a Subject Report.
Prior to returning to their normal timetabled class, there should be a successful Restorative Conversation between the pupil and the classroom teacher. This may be facilitated by the Head of Faculty or link SLT member.

Pastoral interventions

HoFs must exercise their professional judgement in determining when they need to involve HoY in supporting them with pupil interventions.

Where pupils persistently fail to meet the high expectations of standards and behaviour the relevant pastoral team will implement a range of strategies and sanctions.

HoYs will identify pupils of concern through the regular analysis of ClassCharts data in discussions with their SLT link. If a pupil is regularly failing to meet the expectations set out in the Code of Conduct and/or in classrooms (across a number of faculties), pastoral teams have a range of strategies and sanctions available to them with which to reinforce those expectations and try to bring about a positive change in behaviour. The list of these below is not intended as a hierarchy to be followed in order, nor is it an exhaustive list. Every situation and pupil are different and some strategies on the list may not be appropriate to the situation or pupil; pastoral teams will use their professional judgement to respond to negative behaviours and attitudes, reinforce expectations and re-engage pupils in learning.

  • Tutor report
  • HoY report
  • SLT report
  • Parental Meeting
  • Barriers to learning referral to SEND team
  • Behaviour contract

Routes 2 Inclusion (r2i)

When a pastoral team is concerned about the behaviour or conduct of a pupil, they will begin the Routes 2 Inclusion process. This is a programme developed by Nottingham City’s Educational Psychology service to help identify and address possible root causes of poor behaviour. This may require additional accommodations or special routines and procedures being put in place for some pupils. These might include (but is not restricted to): positive report; time-out passes; safe-spaces for social times; amended or part-time timetables.

The programme is initially led by the pastoral team but may result in referral to the academy’s Learning Support Team. The SEMH Coordinator (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) may arrange additional support in the form of ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support) or counselling from CAMHs or our own in-house counsellor. The SENDCo may explore other barriers to learning such as dyslexia or dyscalculia or refer to specialists and educational psychologists from Nottingham City Council that specialise in areas such as behaviour, disability, or autistic spectrum disorders. There may also be involvement from the schools Safeguarding and Welfare team who may be required to liaise with family support workers and social workers. Weekly Individual Pupil Needs Meetings, chaired by a member of the Senior Leadership Team, are used to coordinate work pupils receiving this level of additional input. Other methods of support are, Zones of Regulation, Emotional Coaching, Meet and Greets, Therapy dog and lunchtime provision.

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