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Curriculum Mapping Documents, Examples of Resources and Assembly Rotas

We have created curriculum mapping documents for each term and for our pupils studying the Alternative Curriculum. These documents show you what topics are being taught per year group, per term, per week and the assemblies that are delivered too. You can read through these below.

Take a look at some examples of our PSHE resources, these can be found below the curriculum mapping documents. They are devised, age appropriate resources that are delivered for each year group. If there are any resources that you would like to see from the mapping documents, then please contact the PSHE Coordinator via and she will be more than happy to explain the content individually with you.

Our assembly rotas are created prior to the term ahead; this way we can cater for the individual needs of our year groups.  Therefore, the Living in the Wider World assembly rota has not yet been created. We also cover some of the PSHE specification during assembly time therefore, some assemblies are tailored to age specific material and others are focused on whole school material. Due to Covid-19 and our current operating procedures, we are delivering assemblies via PowerPoint in tutor time, the member of staff delivering the assembly either does this live or creates a voiceover on the PowerPoint. An example of one of our assemblies can be found below.







Sample of Tutorial Resources 

Year 7


Year 8 


Year 9 


Year 10 



Year 11




Assembly rotas







To know more:

To read more about the Government’s expectations on this matter, please click the following link:

Finally, if you want to have access to the Government’s guide on Relationships (and sex) education and health education (updated statutory guidance and consultation outcomes), DfE, February 2019, please click the following link:

Frequently asked questions: 

Throughout the Government’s engagement and development process of this new RSE curriculum, a number of wide-ranging concerns have been heard.  To support you with understanding this change in your child’s education, you can access some of the frequently asked questions that help address misconceptions on this matter on the webpages below:

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution. We are going to continue to reach out to parents. Therefore, if you would like to be a part of reviewing our RSHE curriculum further and developing it throughout the year, then please share your interest and email Mrs Turner-Ramadan on