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Year 8

E Richardson - Head of Year 8

Year 8 consists of 6 mixed-ability tutor groups:

  • 8 SCOTT GMU (G Mudd, Humanities)
  • 8 ASHER-SMITH JPY (J Pye, Art)
  • 8 CAMPBELL PCO (P Coole, Humanities) 
  • 8 WATSON (B Oakes, P.E & Science) 
  • 8 OBAMA UAR (U Arif, Religious Education) 
  • 8 HUSSAIN KCO (K Cox, Literacy) 

Teaching groups are arranged so that pupils are sufficiently challenged in order to achieve and exceed their potential. The curriculum is broad and varied, encouraging pupils of all strengths and interests to succeed.

Year 8 is an important and dynamic year in any young person's life: it is a year when they begin to find their feet and forge their path towards their future. It can also be a year of change, socially and emotionally. As such, we have a tailored PSHE curriculum delivered throughout year 8 in the form of tutor-time PSHE sessions, workshops and drama sessions to ensure that our girls are supported socially, emotionally and academically as they progress through year 8, ready to transition into year 9 and beyond.

Some of these external agencies that we work with are: Into University, RideWise, Equate, and other guests from the City Council. These are encouraged throughout the school to engage and inspire our students furthermore, keep them up to date with current issues in society and to inspire our pupils to consider higher level education and a career path after completing their education with NGA.

E Richardson - Head of Year 8

C Burton - Deputy Head of Year 8

A Evans - SLT Line Manager of Year 8