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Serious Incidents or Persistent Poor Behaviour

In some cases, a serious incident or persistent poor behaviour may require a more stringent sanction. Any recommendation to use these sanctions must be submitted to the Principal with the appropriate supporting evidence.
The Principal (or Deputy Principal in his absence) will make the final decision on whether to apply this or another sanction. Such sanctions may include:

  • Fixed term pastoral isolation.
  • Fixed term isolation at another school
  • Behaviour contract
  • Phased reintegration contract
  • Suspension
  • Placement at an Alternative Provision
  • Fair Access Supported Transfer
  • Managed Move
  • Permanent Exclusion

When recommending the use of one of these sanctions, the evidence should include:

  • Relevant staff and pupil witness statements of the incident.
  • A history of previous sanctions, support, and other interventions received by the pupil.
  • This would be supported by the Pupils At Risk data.

Pastoral Isolation

Pupils that are placed into pastoral isolation will have their sanction determined by SLT. If a pupil has a second removal from their lesson in the same day, they may be required to remain in isolation for the remainder of the day. Details will be logged on class charts and parent/carer informed via phone call by the person on call at the time.
Pupils will be provided relevant work through Teams, appropriate worksheets and textbooks or other learning platforms (such as Hegarty Maths and Seneca).

Pupils may also be asked to complete some restorative worksheets/pack so that they reflect on their behaviour.
Before entering their isolation space, on call staff will inform pupils of the expectations in their provision:

  • To be silent.
  • To follow instructions, including sitting where instructed.
  • To complete the work set.
  • To seek support from the supervising adult if they need some support.

Failure to comply with these expectations will lead to more serious sanctions being used.

Repeated Pastoral Isolation

If a pupil is laced in pastoral isolation on three occasions in a week, they may be required to remain in isolation until a parent/carer meeting has been completed. Repeated behaviour of this manner is likely to lead to more serious sanctions.


The decision of a fixed term external suspension is taken by the Principal where behaviour is deemed severe, they may be externally suspended if they demonstrate persistent poor behaviour or if they jeopardise the safety and security of any member of the academy community.

A fixed term suspension can also be for parts of the school day. The length of the fixed term suspension will be determined by the severity of the incident or the persistence of the behaviour. Incidents leading to suspension may have occurred inside or outside of the academy. Suspended pupils will be issued work to complete. Pupils will be allowed back into the academy; however the meeting should take place at the earliest convenience.

If a decision is taken to suspend a pupil:


  • The parent/carer will be contacted as soon as possible to inform them of the suspension, the reason, and the duration. The suspension, the reason for the suspension and the duration of the suspension will also be confirmed in writing. Details of parents’ right to make representations about the suspension will be outlined in the letter.
  • A reintegration meeting with a member of SLT will be arranged for the parent/carer and pupil to attend following the suspension. The meeting will be used to reflect on the incident(s) that led to suspension and determine what additional challenge and support may be required to ensure no repeat of the behaviour or incident that led to the suspension.
  • Pupil and parent voice are an integral part of this meeting.
  • The pupil will come back into school as soon as the suspension ends, if the reintegration meeting is yet to take place, due to no fault of the pupil, they will have a conversation with the SLT member for that year group. They will consider if there needs to be a restorative conversation with either another student or another teacher and then the pupil will return to lessons until the meeting with parent/carer has taken place.

Following this meeting:

The pupil will be reinstated with a clear re-integration plan.


  • The pupil will be placed on SLT report for two weeks to ensure they have a daily check in to discuss any barriers to success they may face or any signs that they are at risk of further sanction.
  • Behaviour support and ‘reasonable adjustments’ will be reviewed.
  • Where appropriate, an apology is given to the member or staff, or other pupils involved, where necessary and when victims consent. A pupil restorative worksheet/booklet may be completed too.
  • A record of the suspension and meeting is kept in the pupil’s file and the schools recording system on CPOMS.
  • A letter will be sent home outlining the minutes of the meeting and targets will be reviewed.

In accordance with the requirements set out in P18 of the DfE Guidance, the Academy Advisory Council Disciplinary Committee will meet to consider reinstatement of the pupil if the suspension would bring the pupil’s total number of school days of suspension to more than fifteen (15) in a term.

Pupils who demonstrate any of the ‘red line’ behaviours listed below are likely to receive a suspension. These can vary in length. The length of suspension will depend on the seriousness of the incident and/or the previous behaviour history of the pupil. The final decision to suspend and for how long will always be made by the Principal.


  • Physical assault against a pupil or an adult
  • Verbal abuse/threatening behaviour against a pupil or an adult
  • Truanting
  • Refusing to follow instructions first time, every time, to everyone
  • Walking away from a member of staff
  • Refusing to hand in their mobile phone
  • Bullying
  • Discrimination of any of the Protected Characteristics
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Drug, smoking, vaping, and alcohol related
  • Damage to school or other pupil’s property
  • Theft
  • Persistent disruptive behaviour
  • Inappropriate use of social media or online technology
  • Use or threat of use of an offensive weapon or prohibited item

Fair Access Supported Transfer, Managed Moves, Alternative Provision and Permanent Exclusions

The decision to permanently exclude a pupil is never taken lightly. The negative impact this almost always has on a pupil’s life chances is always a key element of any consideration and is why a permanent exclusion is a last resort at Nottingham Girls’ Academy.

However, there are times when a pupil’s behaviour is so detrimental to the safety, or education of others at the Academy that a decision to remove them from the mainstream environment must be taken.

Fair Access Supported Transfers

In this circumstance, in an attempt to try and avoid a Permanent Exclusion, the Principal will consider whether the pupil might benefit from a fresh start at another school. This is now referred to as a fair access supported transfer; a trial placement at another school to see if a different setting and/or a different peer group can have a positive impact on the pupil’s education. They are usually only successful if both the pupil and their parents/carers support the move. A supported transfer is organised in conjunction with the Local Authority’s Fair Access Panel. They usually last 12 weeks, during which time the pupil’s behaviour and attendance are closely monitored. If behaviour and/or attendance does not meet the expectations of the placement school, they may terminate the supported transfer. However, if the pupil’s behaviour and attendance do meet the expectations of the placement school then they will take the pupil onto their roll at the end of the supported transfer.

Alternative Provision

If a supported transfer fails, or if pupils and/or parents/carers are not supportive of such a move then a placement at Alternative Provision (AP) may be considered. Alternative Provision will usually provide the pupil with a smaller, less formal setting in which the qualifications they study will be tailored to their age, ability, and interests. Usually, a pupil on AP would not follow the same curriculum being studied in the mainstream at the Academy. The Academy has the right to place the pupil where they feel appropriate. Actions that we will take if a pupil is to be placed into Alternative Provision:


  • Nottingham City Council produce a compliance report to indicate the accreditation of all alternative provisions. Their annual report declares that the areas judged as fully meeting the compliance requirements of Nottingham City Council’s Accreditation, they shall remain to the agreed standard until the next annual compliance visit. This includes maintaining all Health and Safety actions, refreshing Safeguarding training and ensuring that Safer Recruitment processes have been diligently followed. If areas are not met in a timely manner, the provision will temporarily be removed from the AP Directory and potential commissioners informed. A provider will only be re-instated once all compliance areas have been met and maintained.
  • We will only select a registered Alternative Provider or one from the Local Authorities AP Directory, as outlined above.
  • The AP will be selected based on the pupil’s needs and wishes, with varying courses on offer, it is important that the right AP is chosen.
  • Once the right AP has been selected, we will complete a referral form for the pupil.
  • We will then meet with the Provider, parents/carers and pupils to ensure it is the right place for all parties involved.
  • A transition process will then take place. The pupil will be under review for a couple of weeks, and we will liaise with the provider, parents/carers and pupils to hear all parties opinions and make a decision on whether it is the right placement.
  • A timetable will then be created, liaising with our staff to ensure the right pathways are selected.
  • Once pupils are accepted, daily attendance checks are retrieved, regular contact with the academy’s lead for AP is kept and there are termly monitoring reviews to ensure all parties are happy with the care, progress and needs of the pupil are being met.
  • A continued monitoring of the pupil whilst at the provision will be maintained and should there be an opportunity to successfully reintegrate the pupil back into mainstream school, this will be considered carefully.

Permanent Exclusions

Permanent Exclusion is a legal process which may be used by the Academy for dealing with exceptional persistent or more serious incidents of poor behaviour when a period of internal isolation or a suspension may not be seen as appropriate.

The Academy follows the DfE’s Improving Behaviour and Attendance: Guidance on Exclusion from School and Child Referral Units (DFE September 2012) with regards permanent exclusions.

Only the Principal (or the Deputy Principal when the Principal is absent from school) has the power to exclude a child from school. The Principal may suspend a child for one or more fixed periods, for up to 45 days in any one school year (or 15 days in a term). In extreme and exceptional circumstances, the Principal may exclude a child permanently. The Principal cannot extend a suspension or convert a suspension into a permanent exclusion. However, they can issue a further suspension or a permanent exclusion to begin immediately after the end of the suspension. This usually happens where further evidence has come to light.

If the Principal permanently excludes a child, the parents or carers will be informed immediately and be given reasons for the exclusion followed up in writing. This letter will include details of the statutory process as stated in DFE guidelines. At the same time, the Principal makes it clear to the parents or carers that they can, if they wish, make representation to the Academy Advisory Board.

The Principal will inform the Local Authority and the Academy Advisory Board about any suspensions or permanent exclusions on a termly basis. The Academy Advisory Board cannot suspend or permanently exclude a child or extend the suspension period set by the Principal. The Academy Advisory Board will consider any representations made by parents/carers if they dispute a decision to suspend or permanently exclude, either by request in writing or as stated within statutory guidelines.

At all times, the Principal will follow the most recent Department for Education guidance available, as well as any guidance provided by the Local Authority. At Nottingham Girls’ Academy the Principal will permanently exclude pupils for the following behaviours:

  • Persistent refusal to follow school rules and meet Academy expectations.
  • Persistent, disruptive behaviour.
  • Persistent attitudes or behaviour which are inconsistent with the ethos of the Academy.
  • Extreme defiance, refusing to follow instructions and endangering members of the Academy community.
  • Physical assault against another pupil.
  • Physical assault against a member of staff or any other adult.
  • Sexual misconduct or assault on staff/pupils
  • Supply, possession or use of certain drugs and solvents or their paraphernalia or substances intended to resemble them, including alcohol and tobacco.
  • Deliberate extensive damage to property including Arson.
  • Bringing into the Academy an offensive weapon with the intent to harm for e.g. knifes, BB guns etc.
  • Carrying an offensive weapon.
  • Using an offensive weapon on a pupil/member of staff.
  • Malicious allegations against members of staff.
  • Intentional manipulation of pupils to cause harm.
  • Repeat incidents of a racist, sexist, homophobic or other forms of discriminatory nature.
  • Serious incidents that bring the academy or GAT into disrepute (single or repeat incidents on or off school premises).
  •  Gang affiliation.

See appendices and refer to the GAT Behaviour and Exclusions Policy for information on permanent exclusion processes within the Trust.

Power to discipline pupils for misbehaviour outside of school – Bringing the Academy into disrepute

Academy Leaders have the power to discipline pupils for misbehaving outside of the school premises including suspensions and permanent exclusions. As such, the following may result in Academy Leaders applying sanctions for bringing the Academy into disrepute:

  • Misbehaviour when the pupil is taking part in any school-organised or school related activity.
  • Misbehaviour when travelling to or from school.
  • Incidents of bullying, harassment, or abuse on Social Media.
  • Misbehaviour when wearing school uniform or in some other way identifiable as a pupil at the school
  • Misbehaviour at any time, whether or not the conditions above apply, that could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school, that poses a threat to another pupil or member of the public or which could adversely affect the reputation of the school.

Nottingham Girls’ Academy teachers and other staff will regulate the conduct of pupils when they are off school premises. Teachers have a statutory power to discipline pupils for misbehaving outside of the school premises. Depending on the circumstances, any of the above sanctions may be issued to discipline pupils. Section 89(5) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 gives the Principal a specific statutory power to regulate pupils’ behaviour in these circumstances “to such extent as is reasonable”.



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