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Online Safety

Online Safety Information for Parents

Our e-safety Manager on site is Mr A Marshall.

The Academy has taken the decision to block all social networking sites. Unfortunately that doesn't stop issues arising at home and then spilling into the classroom. We encourage parents to consider disallowing these sites at home. With the rise in popularity and availability of mobile internet, many young people can access sites through their own internet connected devices.

Staff respond quickly to resolve issues arising from exchanges where they impact on pupils' wellbeing.  Parents are kept informed of any actions that staff need to take.

Read more information about keeping safe online in our Digital Citizenship Contract on our Policies page.

Greenwood Academies Trust E-Safety Policy Statement

Helping Your Child Make the Correct Choices

Children need guidance and boundaries to help them feel safe. These links offer advice on how you can help your child to maximise the potential, and minimise the risks, of the use of digital devices.

On the Plus Side

It's not all bad though - the internet can be an amazing resource. Check out this link for a guide on ways in which the internet can be good for your child.

Useful Websites
General guidance:
  • Be aware of what is on the internet and what your child could be exposed to – not just inappropriate content but scam and ‘phishing’ sites
  • Don’t give your child a list of do’s and don’ts – they’ll probably ask ‘why not’ and then try to find out! Children are more likely to respond more positively if you encourage them to be ‘smart’ or ‘cool’ on the Internet
  • Set rules for use – including what to go on and the length of time
  • Don’t forget, it’s not just computers; your child's mobiles phone and tablet have internet facilities on them
  • Keep your devices safe with anti-malware software
  • Consider parental controls to restrict/monitor internet access
  • Don’t be afraid of confrontation if you find any wrong-doing – but don’t overreact. Sometimes it is just an innocent mistake and you run the risk of your child not telling you of a problem in future because they'll be afraid of your reaction


Below is a guide by National Online Safety giving advice to parents on how to start a conversation with their children to make sure they are safe online.  For more safety guides, take a look at this link -